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yoga sport bra

How to choose a lycra yoga set that suits you

2021/06/29 17:05
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The lycra yoga set is a clothing that many people who love yoga now have, and there is more than one set. The lycra yoga set plays a very important role in yoga. Many people don’t know how to choose one. Then, how can one choose one? What about a lycra yoga set that suits you?

 customized lycra yoga set from China manufacturer
1. The texture of lycra yoga set: mainly made of cotton, hemp or bamboo fiber, because cotton, hemp or bamboo fiber has good breathability and sweat absorption, and it is very soft, so it will not make your body feel tight and bound. . In addition, you can also choose to add some Lycra materials to the cotton fabric to increase the elasticity of the clothes.
2. The style of lycra yoga set: concise, generous and neat. Don't have too many ornaments (especially metal), bands or knots on your clothes to prevent chrome from causing unnecessary damage to your body. The limbs should be stretched freely, and the whole body should not feel restrained.
3. Style of lycra yoga set: Don’t tie the cuffs of the jacket tightly, but open it naturally; the trousers should be tight or tied, because there are some back-up movements in yoga, and the tight mouth can prevent the trousers from sliding down. Winter clothes are mainly trousers and long clothes. In summer, short pants can be worn with long trousers.
4. The color of the lycra yoga set: try to choose a refreshing and elegant color, and a pure color is the best, which can relax your optic nerves and calm yourself down quickly. Don't let the color jump and garish too much, and try not to wear the color that makes you excited when practicing yoga.
5. The style of lycra yoga set: To highlight individuality, you can choose clothing with Indian ethnic style, loose and natural, and there is a sense of elegant and free and easy mystery when you wear it; there is also a modern style of fitness clothing, tight and elastic, and wear it. It can also bring out a beautiful figure, and it is generally more suitable to practice hot yoga. You can choose according to your preferences.
6. The number of lycra yoga sets: generally more than two sets of yoga clothing should be prepared so that we can change them in time, especially for hot yoga. But one thing that needs to be mentioned is: for the ancient yoga practice: it is believed that we should always wear the same clothes instead of washing when practicing yoga, which will help yoga practice. Of course, this is very difficult for us modern people, so we don't recommend it, just understand it as knowledge.