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yoga sport bra

How to choose the Sports bra leopard print that suits you

2022/12/27 17:31
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Sports bra leopard print is a category classified according to specific features of bras. How to choose a sports bra? Let's take a brief look at it for you.

good price and quality Sports bra leopard print company
1. Confirm your upper bust, lower bust and cup shape. Try to choose full-cup bras instead of half-cup or other revealing styles because you want to look good.
2. Pure cotton is the first choice for internal components, followed by whether the fabric component is nylon. Nylon is a kind of polyurethane fibrous polyurethane fiber, also known as elastic fiber, which is widely used in clothing fabrics and has the characteristics of high elasticity.
3. For Sports bra leopard print, do not choose the steel support type, and also pay attention to the color contrast of the inner and outer garments so as not to hinder the viewing.
4. The sports cotton texture plus nylon underwear can prevent the breasts from sagging and will not rub against the skin, so it is suitable for girls with large breasts.
5. The shoulder straps of the underwear should be designed with good elasticity and good angle position, so as not to cause embarrassment of slipping.
6. Different types of Sports bra leopard print also have different options. The more intense the exercise, the higher the support level. For example, jogging and boxing also require completely different sports bras. A Sports bra leopard print should be judged on whether it provides proper support for the chest, and whether it leaves your chest secure (tight) and pain-free.