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yoga sport bra

How to deal with the smell of Lycra yoga set

2022/10/27 09:44
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The Lycra yoga set smells bad, either from formaldehyde or from dirt. What should I do if my Lycra yoga set smells bad? How can we effectively remove odors?

Wholesale Lycra yoga set factory
1. It is not uncommon to use salt to remove the odor of clothing, because salt has the functions of disinfection, sterilization and deodorization. It is recommended that after the clothes have odor, put a little salt in the basin, stir evenly, then soak the clothes and wash them clean.
2. After taking a bath, put the smelly Lycra yoga set in the bathroom, and then put a little activated charcoal indoors. Take it out the next day, and the odor will disappear.
3. Hang the Lycra yoga set regularly to dry in the sun to remove the musty smell. In addition, try not to spray perfume when wearing it, because the combination of perfume and the odor after sweating will make the clothes smell stronger.​​
4. After washing, if the clothes are worn directly without drying, the clothes may emit an unpleasant musty smell. It is recommended not to do this, especially when returning to Nantian. If there is already a peculiar smell, you can use vinegar and milk to absorb the smell on the clothes, and then rinse it off.
5. The Lycra yoga set manufacturer tells you that if you are in a hurry to go out, you can try spraying a little lemonade on your clothes, and then blow dry with an extension machine to let the smell evaporate as soon as possible.