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yoga sport bra

Running needs to wear the right padded sports bra

2022/08/29 10:32
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Sports bra, also known as padded sports bra, is specially designed for women's sports. It has the characteristics of lightness, breathability, comfort and high elasticity. It can support and fix the chest from vibration and prevent the chest from hindering sports.

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1. In order to protect the chest, the ordinary bra cannot support the bouncing breasts during exercise. Wearing ordinary underwear for a long time will cause the breasts to sag.
2. In order to promote perspiration, the amount of beats and the impact on the body during exercise are much higher than normal, and the general bra is far from providing the protection and comfort it should have during exercise. While sports bras don't completely eliminate bouncing, high-support bras can roughly halve the range of motion.
Like ordinary bras, the maintenance of padded sports bras also requires more attention. After exercising, take off the sports bra immediately for cleaning to avoid sweat stains penetrating into the underwear material and causing yellowing and odor. To hand wash not machine wash, soak it in cold water and laundry detergent, and gently rub it to wash off the sweat. After washing, let it dry naturally and avoid direct exposure to the sun, so as not to damage the elasticity or cause discoloration. When you find that the cups are deformed, the straps are loose, and the support is not good, it is necessary to replace it.