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yoga sport bra

The lycra yoga set manufacturer will show you how to make yoga clothes last longer

2021/10/08 11:33
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The manufacturer of the lycra yoga set tells you that you have to pay attention to the maintenance of the yoga set when you wear it. Otherwise, the surface will be dirty and there will be color residues, which will affect the image when you wear it. How to maintain the yoga suit? The lycra yoga set manufacturer tells you the following 5 maintenance precautions:

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1. The manufacturer of lycra yoga set tells you that you just bought it, don’t wear it immediately, wash it again, dry it in the sun, and then wear it, because usually the clothes will get sundries during the production process. If the sundries contain chemical substances, After touching the human body, it may cause skin irritation.
2. The manufacturer of the lycra yoga set tells you that when you wash your yoga clothes, you find that there is a fading situation. Pay attention to the care. Otherwise, the color will fade every time you wash it, and the color of the clothes will become lighter and look very old.
3. Daily cleaning of yoga clothes is best done by hand. If there is no free time, put it in the washing machine. It is best to separate it from other clothes, or separate dark and light colored clothes to avoid staining.
4. Yoga clothes are more expensive to buy. The signs indicate that they cannot be washed. When washing, pay more attention. The lycra yoga set manufacturer tells you to try not to wash it yourself. Take it to the dryer for washing.
5. The manufacturer of lycra yoga set tells you to dry yoga clothes. Usually, you can't dry them for too long. After drying, they should be folded and stored in a cabinet. Otherwise, if they are placed in the living room or other places, they will easily be contaminated with dust.
6. The manufacturer of lycra yoga set tells you that yoga clothes should not be worn for a long time. They should be packed in a bag, and then when you wear them again, take them out, wash them again, and wear them in yoga class or at home.