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What should strappy sports bra pay attention to in peacetime

2022/04/30 15:52
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The strappy sports bra is an underwear garment that can be worn in public and shows the wearer looking refreshed and energetic. However, it is best to only wear it when exercising and not in other non-sports situations. On the one hand, sports bras need to be changed and washed frequently, so as not to be soaked in sweat for a long time and damage the quality, try to wash it when not exercising; It does not show the beauty of female breasts.

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However, whether strappy sports bra is worn outside as summer clothes, or worn inside as bras and panties, it is not conducive to shaping the body and is not conducive to matching with outerwear. strappy sports bras are more "shockproof" than normal underwear. There are still some differences between underwear and sports underwear. The design of the bottom and shoulder straps is different. The general sports underwear can't be said to be perfect without shifting.
Also, make sure to choose a number that suits you. The strappy sports bra is generally a full cup, and the support is good. However, once it is too large or too small, it will be easier to shift. Vigorous exercise like dancing will cause a little bit of displacement, just pay attention to it.