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Why do ladies wear sports bra leopard print

2021/11/19 14:23
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Sports bra leopard print is a category under the classification of "specific functions of bras". Therefore, the name suggests, sports bra leopard print is a bra invented to prevent women from being hurt during exercise.

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Sports bra leopard print is a kind of underwear clothing that can be worn in public, and can show the wearer's spirited and energetic look. However, it is best to only wear it during exercise and not wear it on other non-sports occasions. Also, be sure to choose a number that suits you. Sports bra leopard prints are generally full cups, which are good for you. But once it is too big or too small, it is easier to shift, like dancing or other strenuous exercises, it will shift a little bit, just pay attention to it yourself.
In order to achieve the purpose of supporting, fixing and protecting the chest during exercise, the middle and high-strength sports bra leopard print often has relatively small elasticity at the bottom of the shoulder straps. Wearing for a long time may cause obvious pressure and poor breathing, which is not good for your health. If you wear a compressed sports bra leopard print for a long time, you can flatten your chest shape, so daily wear is not recommended. The low-strength sports bra leopard print is relatively malleable and fits higher without obvious restraint. It is also more comfortable to wear than ordinary underwear with steel rings, so it can be used as a daily choice.