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yoga sport bra

You must master these points when purchasing a lycra yoga set

2021/12/22 17:56
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Choose a lycra yoga set and master certain skills. When choosing, you can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort. So what are the skills to master when choosing a lycra yoga set? Please bookmark the following 3 tips:

Wholesale lycra yoga set factory
1. Choose good fabrics
There are many kinds of fabrics for making lycra yoga set, and different fabrics have different comfort levels. If you want to buy soft and sweat-absorbing, you should choose pure cotton fabric. In addition, if the lycra yoga set fabric is breathable, antibacterial and antibacterial, it is more worth buying.
2. Choose the color according to your preference
Different people like different colors. When choosing a lycra yoga set, in addition to choosing the color you like, try to choose a lighter color, because light-colored clothes are not easy to stimulate the senses and arouse people's excitement, while darker colors Or bright colored clothes are easy to attract people's attention and distract people's attention. Practicing yoga, pay attention.
3. Simple and generous style is better
Although there are many styles of lycra yoga sets on the market, they are not always suitable. Because some styles are too revealing, although wearing can show sexy, but it is easy for people to catch cold during practice, and it is not protective. Some styles are too conservative, wearing like dumplings, affecting people's hands and feet stretch. Therefore, when choosing a style, it is recommended to choose a simple and generous lycra yoga set style.