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can sports bra leopard print be worn all day

2022/02/02 15:32
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The sports bra leopard print can be worn all day, but remember to take it off when you go to bed.

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sports bra leopard print is a kind of underwear clothing whose main function is sports, however, it is best to wear it only when you are exercising, and not wear it in other non-sports occasions. Dress as loosely as possible when you go to bed at night. Too tight clothing will hinder the breathing movement of the thorax and is not conducive to the return of lymph and veins.
sports bra leopard print should be washed as long as it is worn for sports.
Because of exercise, it is often contaminated with sweat. And the pores of the human body have the functions of breathing and excretion, which is more obvious when exercising.
Sports bra leopard print, as a daily close-fitting item, directly contacts the sebaceous gland secretions, sweat, etc. excreted by the pores. If it is not cleaned properly, it will become moldy and smelly, so in general, sports bra leopard print should be cleaned immediately after exercise.