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yoga sport bra

yoga sport bra

How to do lycra yoga set dyeing

2021/07/14 16:27
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Modern people like to do yoga. Yoga can soothe the body and mind, shape, and make people look more elegant. It is one of the sports that modern girls love very much. In order to facilitate yoga, it is natural to buy a lycra yoga set. The lycra yoga set is convenient for exercise and the lycra yoga set is more sweat-absorbent and more comfortable.

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When cleaning the lycra yoga set, I accidentally used the wrong method, which resulted in staining, or I did not pay attention to it in daily life. The clothes were scratched with a pencil and there are handwriting residues. What should I do? Here are some tips to teach you how to fade quickly:
1. If the top of the lycra yoga set is dyed, prepare a basin of water, pour a little washing powder, soak the top for a period of time, then vigorously rub the stained area, and finally brew multiple times and hang it to dry.
2. If the lycra yoga set is not separated from the dark-colored clothes in the washing machine, which results in staining, it can be washed with hydrogen peroxide, but it should be noted that do not soak the clothes with hydrogen peroxide for too long. Generally, soak for 5 minutes, otherwise May cause damage to clothing.
3. Clean the dyed parts of the lycra yoga set with aged vinegar, which can also achieve the effect of removing the color. In addition, the aged vinegar can also remove the peculiar smell of the lycra yoga set.
4. Dissolve a little potassium permanganate in water to clean the lycra yoga set, which can remove the color on the surface of the suit without causing damage. If the suit turns yellow, you can also use this method.
5. Add washing powder and detergent with a lot of anionic surfactants to warm water 1:1, soak the stained area in warm water for more than half an hour, and then scrub with your hands.
6. Wet the place where the clothes are dyed with water, and then apply edible salt to the hands and rub the clothes repeatedly to remove the dyed colors on the clothes.